How to make and set up Unturned server to play with friends
Table of contents
Making an Unturned server
Do you want to create your own Unturned server to play with friends for free? You've come to the right place! In this article, we're going to cover all of the aspects of making your own Unturned server and sharing it with other players. We're going through each step, starting from installing your server, configuring it, and inviting your friends.
Unturned offers to host a server using Unturned Dedicated Server tool (U3DS). You can install it through SteamCMD or Steam Library. It's recommended to use SteamCMD because If you're using Steam Library you may face the issues such as:
- You can't host multiple servers at once.
- The server tool uses the same executable name as the game itself, so if you close the game while the server is running, Steam may still think the game is open. This can lead to issues, like Steam not allowing you to relaunch the game until the server is also closed.
Installing U3DS with Steam Library
To make your Unturned server using Steam library search for Unturned Dedicated Server or go to tools, select and install Unturned Dedicated Server tool. Navigate to server files directory -> Right click on the U3DS icon, select Properties -> Installed files -> Browse. Your server files are now installed.
Installing U3DS using SteamCMD
To install U3DS with SteamCMD you need to download an archieve and extract the contents to any folder on your PC. Run steamcmd.exe to install SteamCMD. Enter the following commands in the console to install U3DS.
Connect to Steam as anonymous
login anonymous
Install/Update Unturned Server
app_update 1110390
Quit the console
Setting up an Unturned Server
After you successfully installed the server files, we can launch our first server. Go to:
Your server Folder/steamapps/common/U3DS

Before continuing the creation of the server, make sure you have enabled file name extensions. You can turn this on in Windows explorer by clicking View and checking the box for File name extension.
Find ExampleServer.bat, copy it (Ctrl+C), and paste the copied file (Ctrl+V). Rename this file as you wish; this will be a launcher your server (e.g., Wikbase Server 1.bat) Edit this file by right-clicking and selecting Edit. You can deletes all lines starting with the word rem. In the end, your .bat file should look like this:
@echo off
start "" "%~dp0ServerHelper.bat" +LanServer/Wikbase server
If you want to make your server available not only to your friends but to other players as well, you need to change +LanServer to +InternetServer. If you only want to play with friends, leave it as it is by default. Close the file and run the script by double-clicking it.

If a firewall window appears, click the Allow Access button to continue the installation. The installation is complete when you see Loading level: 100%. At this point, you can start playing on your own server. Congrats! To join your server, you need to copy the server code.
After that, you and your friends can play together. Click Play -> Connect Directly, paste your server code (Ctrl+V), and click Connect. If you close the console with the launched server, the server will be turned off as well. To turn off the server, type the following command:
We have launched our server, but it's not completely set up yet. First of all, if you want to make your server visible on the server list for other players to connect, you need to set up a Login Token and Fake IP.
Generating Login Token
According to Steam rules, you account must not be limited (this means you need to deposit at least $5 and verify your phone number). Otherwise, you cannot make your server visible on the server list or invite all players (you can still play with friends for free, so skip this part if you're not planning to invite other players).
To generate a Login Token visit Steam Game Server Account Management , log in to your Steam account, and in the App ID text field, type Unturned ID, which is 304930, then click Create. Copy the generated login token and go to the following location in your server's folder:
Your server folder\steamapps\common\U3DS\Servers\WikbaseServer\Server
To generate a Login Token Open the Commands.dat file with any text editor on your PC, and paste the login token as shown below:
Setting up a login token
GSLT B067E39686DC253054CE91F2387C4FF7
Save the file (Ctrl+S) and close it. We're almost done, I promise! :) The last step to make our server available to other players is to set up a Fake IP.
Your server folder\steamapps\common\U3DS\Servers\WikbaseServer\
Open up the Config.json file and find the next line: "Use_FakeIP": false you have to set it to true:
Change the next line to true value
"Use_FakeIP": true
The basic configuration to make our server available to all players is now complete. Now, if you want to take it a step further, Unturned offers additional customization options for your server. Remember that most configurations are controlled in the following U3DS files:
- Commands.dat is for basic configuration and customization.
- Config.json is responsible for controlling the loot multiplier, health of zombies and many other features.
- WorkshopDownloadConfig.json enables you to install mods on your server.
Configuring Commands.dat for Unturned Server
Many basic options, like the server map, name, and password, can be set up in the Commands.dat file.
Your server folder\steamapps\common\U3DS\Servers\WikbaseServer\Server
You can edit Commands.dat with any text editor on your PC. To make changes, add the necessary lines to this file, save it (Ctrl+S), and restart the server (to restart, close the console if it’s open, and then run your server.bat file). Explore list of all Unturned commands for Commands.dat file .
In-game Unturned commands
Some commands can be used directly in the game while you’re playing. Many require admin privileges, and new in-game commands can be added with plugins. To see a full list of all in-game unturned commands and how to use them check in-game unturned commands list.
Installing mods and maps for Unturned
If you want to install some mods for your Unturned server, you need to use WorkshopDownloadConfig file.
Your server folder\steamapps\common\U3DS\Servers\WikbaseServer
In order to install a mod, you have to copy the ID of this mod from the Steam workshop. To do this, visit the page of the mod you want to install and copy the ID from the visited URL as shown below:

You have to insert this ID inside brackets []:
Paste copied IDs into brackets, you can separate mods by using a comma:
"File_IDs": [3251926587,3300803149,3304904264],
Changing a map
If you want to switch a map from PEI to another map you need to use Commands.dat file. In order to change a map to curated, you have to install this map as a mod. Here is a list of IDs for curated maps:
- Escalation - 3251926587
- Buak - 3000549606
- Kuwait - 2483365750
- A6 Polaris - 2898548949
- Arid - 2683620106
- Elver - 2136497468
- California - 1905768396
- France - 1975500516
- Easter Island - 1983200271
- Greece - 1702240229
- Rio de Janeiro - 1821848824
Setting up a curated map (after you installed it as a mod!)
map Escalation
Console Unturned commands
Once you're running your server you can use some commands right in a console. To use them check our console commands list for Unturned.
Configuring Config.json for Unturned Server
Config.json file is controlling lots of server's settings including loot quantity, health of entities, server customization and lots of other details.
Your server folder\steamapps\common\U3DS\Servers\WikbaseServer
We're not going to cover all the options in the Config.json file because it's huge and most likely you won't need most of them, but let's take a look at a few options you may find interesting.
Command | Example | Description |
Loot_Chance | "Loot_Chance": 0.5 | Quantity of spawned loot, if you want to encrease the amount of spawned loot increate the number for this line. |
Monetization | "Monetization": "NonGameplay" | Monetization field is responsible for showing your server on the list. If you do not sell \'pay-to-win\' items, you could set NonGameplay option to make your server visible on the servers list. |
Frequently asked questions
We receive a lot of questions from our community , and you may find some of the queries helpful for your specific needs.
In order to install a curated or modded map on your server, you have to install the map from Steam Workshop, and then add the name of the map to the Commands.dat file. We have an example of how you can install a modded map above.
To delete everything placed on a map, go to the following location and delete all contents of the map folder:
You have to delete the folder with the name of the map you want to wipe.
Your server folder\steamapps\common\U3DS\Servers\WikbaseServer\Level
To delete players inventories, follow the same procedure:
You have to select all folders (<b>Ctrl+A</b>) with player's Steam IDs and delete them.
Your server folder\steamapps\common\U3DS\Servers\WikbaseServer\Players
Yes, you can! Simply copy the existing server.bat file, which is responsible for launching the server. You can even run both and more servers at the same time!
Change the name of the server in copied .bat script
@echo off
start "" "%~dp0ServerHelper.bat" +LanServer/Wikbase The Second server